Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pictures and Video's Posted

Finally got around to updating the last couple of entries with pictures and clips.

Tuesday I hit the rollers at work and got in a solid AM interval session (8 x 3min) and then hopped on at noon for another session of efforts (3 x 10min). 2012 (the movie) helped pass the time, but don't really think it is one for recommendation.

Tuesday evening included (but was not limited to) Ian's basketball practice, Jake's parent/teacher conferences (he always gets good reports and the teachers love him), and 10pm intramural basketball at SBU (I am including this as my 3rd interval session of the day).

Got some bad news last night (and continued this morning)... Jake came home with an injury similar to last year's that damped his entire track season and this morning's practice reinforced it wasn't a one time thing. Coach (and Jake) caught it early (last year he ran a week with it that way before pulling the plug) and pulled him from all running for a week to see if that helps. Hard to pinpoint the cause as he cut his mileage significantly (so not an 'over use' issue) but it might be the running on the track that is causing it. I am setting him up with some cycling trainer time to keep his legs and lungs sharp along with some ultra sounds and PT. He is pretty crushed as like last year he was cruising and just starting to feel the speed coming; also hard since he is team captain this year and he feels he must lead by example (now it's just a different example).

Got in a solid 1:45hrs today as it might be the last time we see the sun (and 70* temps) for some time. Stockton Lake (headwind) and back (sweet tailwind)

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