Saturday morning Jake still had his stomach locked up so he skipped the 5k. Ian was still chomping at the bit to run his first 1 miler. He was pretty excited and wanted to warm up about 20 times before the start. He toed the line with the two Bandy girls (arch nemesis) and a couple others and off they went. Ian took the quick lead while I constantly reminded him to pace himself and slow down. He keep Anna at a 20 meter distance from most of the event until 400 meters where she closed the gap to 3 meters. Ian turned to see her there and found another gear and reopened the lead. He ended up winning the mile with a 7:56 (Anna four seconds behind). He was in a world of hurt during the event and I honestly have no idea how he kept going a couple times as he could barley breath (looked at one point he was going to cry) and appeared close to cardiac arrest. He was bound and determined not to be beat; his will power/drive to win is natural and will either take him far in sports or to a quick ulcer... We all were pretty stoked for him.
Saturday afternoon was pretty uneventful (super hot outside), but I managed to get in a quality strength workout.
Saturday evening we (the whole Jones' crew) headed to SPR to celebrate my nieces' birthday at Nonna's (probably the best tortellini I have ever had) and a relaxing walk around downtown. We topped the evening off with Andy's and then back home.
Snuck in a 2hr road ride Sunday morning and felt the workout from the day prior. Already in the high 70s at 7am, which made for a warmer ride then I care for; still a good one as the legs came around after the first hour.
Off to church then a relaxing day (inside) as the temps were pretty high (again). Watched Four Minutes (Roger Bannister sub-4 minute mile movie) which was pretty good and then Ian and I
The Kemps came over in the evening and a couple rounds of croquet was played, cake was eaten, and great conversation was had. Clouds rolled in a cooled things off quite a bit. Jake was feeling mucho grande better so he snagged a 45 minute run while Riley cruised on a bike with him (two-a-day practices start tomorrow and continue until the week before districts). Fun evening.
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